Sunday, November 19, 2017

the most sophisticated algorithms cannot predict a successful romance

video: Panel: The Future of Online Dating - NOAH17 London

FAILED and BIASED article "Mathematician reveals formula to find a perfect mate"

"Mr Right or Ms Right" OR The one or your soulmate or the perfect match does not exist!
It will only exist a pool of compatible persons, not more than that.
No online dating site can promise you to find "the one" or "your soulmate" or a "perfect match".
Moreover the person you are looking for does not exist or if it exist, he/she does not want to meet you because your are not compatible.
What is important in attracting people to one another may not be important in making couples happy. The key to long-lasting romance: COMPATIBILITY is exactly STRICT PERSONALITY SIMILARITY and not "meet other people with similar interests or political views".

Online Dating sites have very big databases, in the range of 20,000,000 (twenty million) profiles, so the Big Five model or the HEXACO model are not enough for predictive purposes. That is why I suggest the 16PF5 test instead and another method to calculate similarity.

High precision in matching algorithms is precisely the key to open the door and leave the infancy of compatibility testing.
Without offering the NORMATIVE 16PF5 (or similar test measuring exactly the 16 personality factors) for serious dating, it will be impossible to innovate and revolutionize the Online Dating Industry.

Finally the perfect dating algorithm? Of course NOT, Big Five test is OBSOLETE.

The 8 tips to innovate in the Online Dating Industry!

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